Why aren’t my paintings paintings? Push button Art & AIs
The “paintings” produced by AI experiments are not paintings. There’s no paint. They are simulacra: “Simulacra are copies that depict things that either had no original, or that no longer have an original.” Engineers and computer scientists have little real experience or deep understanding of … Continue readingWhy aren’t my paintings paintings? Push button Art & AIs
Mysterious Spaceship Moon
Mysterious Spaceship Moon is my new album (out now) it’s the soundtrack to an imaginary 1960s British sci-fi film about imaginary moon people in their imaginary spaceship moon. It’s also a love letter to post war, British, cinematic soundtrack music. Click on a link to … Continue readingMysterious Spaceship Moon
Open Spaces
I have new track on release called Open Spaces. It’s a track from a soon to be released album called Mysterious Spaceship Moon. The album is the soundtrack to a non existent 1960s British low budget sci-fi film of the same title. You can hear … Continue readingOpen Spaces
Digital & Computer Art Ed
If you think you’re making computer or digital art, ask yourself these questions. I’ve written them down as a few people over the last year have asked me questions about courses, as I’ve written quite a few at MA level and lower. They underpinned how … Continue readingDigital & Computer Art Ed
What is “clever art?”
Can art be too clever? It’s such a tired thing to say “I don’t know much about art but I know what I like”. In fact as one studies it more and more the opposite tends to creep in, one knows lots about art but … Continue readingWhat is “clever art?”
Seeing not Looking
The great abstract/modernist purges of the mid century period are over, it’s battles won, abstract art everywhere and the art world itself democratised by that least human thing of all, technology. Over the last 400 years art has gone on a physical journey through space, … Continue readingSeeing not Looking
Welcome to the intelligent 20s, or why Art Teaching isn’t ready for the new era
We are at the turn of a decade, a point in the calendar that people use to celebrate and reflect. It helps us regulate our lives by referring to waypoints in that span of 80 odd summers through which we wander. We use significant numbers … Continue readingWelcome to the intelligent 20s, or why Art Teaching isn’t ready for the new era
I had a rush of blood to the head and recorded a Christmas single called PsychedeliChristmas Electronicals. It uses the famous theme, Lieutenant Kije by Prokofiev but goes off the rails a bit. It’s all electronic, upbeat and has sleigh bells all over it. but … Continue readingCHRISTMAS MADNESS
Imagine going to IKEA to buy furniture. You’re redecorating your living space and you want new furniture. On the way out you see “art” and you decide that a few nice pictures are also needed, after all they show off your taste at it’s best. … Continue readingIKEA vs THE ROBO-ARTISTS