Fragmental; My New RELEASE, A Soundtrack To An 80’s Film That Never Was.

Live on MAY 4th on all major streaming services, FRAGMENTAL is an album in parts. Like my last release Mysterious Spaceship Moon, FRAGMENTAL is another soundtrack to a movie that never existed. Available on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Deezer, Bandcamp, Amazon and more. Simply search for … Continue readingFragmental; My New RELEASE, A Soundtrack To An 80’s Film That Never Was.

Why aren’t my paintings paintings? Push button Art & AIs

The “paintings” produced by AI experiments are not paintings. There’s no paint. They are simulacra: “Simulacra are copies that depict things that either had no original, or that no longer have an original.” Engineers and computer scientists have little real experience or deep understanding of … Continue readingWhy aren’t my paintings paintings? Push button Art & AIs